©2020 Village Green Studios
Nothing makes me happier than knowing I can rely on the talent and diligence of Jason Sikes. He is better than a well oiled German Machine.
I LOVE THIS SITE! I am so thankful I went with your company – this is going to really stand out from other sites!!
i LOVE IT. Amazing. Nancy said you were the best, clearly she was onto something.
Showed the stuff to my agent in chicago and she LOVES it!!
Me likey!!!
It looks fantastic! Keep up the excellent work…you rock!
You are an absolute diamond. I love it all. You are gifted!
Wow! Amazing!…..
Stunning! Speechless…. we love it!
I LOVE IT. It completely captures me. I shared it with a producer in my office who shared it with Jim Sloyan “the voice of Lexus.” They both loved it too. You nailed it!
BRILLIANT! I LOVE IT! PERFECT! Sorry I’m shouting…
You Rock!… Thanks so much. you do amazing work!
You are definitely the cd-graphics-web god, and I worship you.
Oh my gawd…this is fantastic!!
this feels really good. its clean, simple, and kind of designer-looking.
good job.
I had to write and give you your “propers.” I got an agent like 3 days after dropping off my demos. I’m already going on auditions. The agents commented numerous times on how tight the packaging looked.
I couldn’t be happier… I’m sorry I don’t have any children to give you! You’re brilliant!
…you are a GENIUS!!! Creative… quick with a response… and just unbelievably great.
You are amazing, talented in so many ways.
Loving the site my friend.
Clients are digging the File Share. “I” am digging it.
I am super happy and super excited!
Thanks for turning me on to Jason. What a class act! And you guys have really created a great website for me!
Jason – that is the most dang magical site I have ever seen! Mobile site looks great too!
thank you for all your wonderful work & for the un-muddling nitty gritty stuff.
I actually didn’t need to instigate the singing of your praises, but engaged subtly & seamlessly . Because all who have seen my site & all who took & gazed at my business cards expressed their enthusiasm! Your fabulous work speaks for itself.
I am a subtle sower of seeds (the hard sell scares most people away over here). In time, I have no doubt you will reap the rewards in spades!
The seed sowing will continue….
I think the web site is great!
It’s great!
I have fallen in love with the leather chair on the lawn. I feel very comfortable in that chair, and since it is out in the lawn could enjoy an occasional stogie without upsetting my wife! It’s the image to work with. Thank you for your work.
Who am I to argue with genius. Proceed maestro.
Duuuuuuude… I just laughed out loud–I love it! Love it love it love it. I love the colors and the roll over…and I love the “Live from beautiful downtown Burbank!”
Wow! I like it! Thank you!
It looks great man! Thanks.
That’s awesome!
Wow – that’s really nice. Let’s go with it.
I like it Jason and I look forward to using it. Thankyou for your hard work.
I dig it!
It made me laugh and I love the mic ‘wow’ when the arm hits it.
I love it!
This looks so good!
Just took a look at the site…….FREEKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a MILLION….and I hope that’s how much I can pay you one of these days!
LOVE the site, LOVE what you’ve done with the bio. I especially like the Contact page — fun stuff. Love the fun “J” as it moves along with the demo.
I have a HUGE grin on my face! This is fantastic!
i absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so excited. i am totally blown away. ur the best! really!!!!
WOW!! You are amazing! I love, love, love the ‘clients’ page and the way you put the characters on there. I abolutely love the way my demos play! The colors are fantastic and I love the cartoon bee.
Thanks so much for the beautiful work!! I love it… What an amazing job!
It all looks great, my wife said it was beautiful…I’m really excited about it. Love the movement too! Great work! Can’t wait to start steering folks to the site. I’ll be very proud to do so!
You’re the branding expert!
DAMN but that loads fast! Excellent. Don’t know if that’s got anything to do with design elements, but whatever the reason, I think that’s great. Last thing I want to do is force a rushed agent/producer/client/whatever with no time on their hands to wwwwwaaaaaiiiiiitttttt while a slow web page loads.
WOW! I think it looks FABULOUS!! i love the darker orange-y color. Does it have a fancy name? love how the butterfly moves and LOVE LOVE LOVE the font. I’ve already emailed myself! I really am happy.
I totally LOVE it.. It just is awesome!
WOW!!!!!!! That is TOTALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT !!!!!
I love the way the different color bottles appear with each link, and how there is movement in the fruit. I really like how it’s super easy to navigate, and I love the font! Very colorful, energetic, fun… it’s AWESOME!!! I’m so stoked!!!
You guys ROCK….THANK you both SOOOO MUCH!! Y’EA!!!
I can’t begin to tell you how important the website you created for me has been to the growth of my business. I’m working all over the world. Tonight Beyonce is receiving the “Woman of the year” award from Billboard. I voiced the tribute. That’s just one small example of the kind of work I’m getting. My voice is no different but your presentation of it made a lot of difference.
So…thank you
Thank you again. You are a brilliant web designer and branding specialist. I couldn’t be happier with the site…well, unless it shot money out of the computer and onto my lap!
(Feel free to use that for a testimonial.)
OMG – that is so fabulous! Have a I mentioned how beyond talented you are?
Geez Jason, that looks soo pretty! I had such a LONG day and to come home to this made me very happy & proud.
It’s a pleasure to work with someone so talented and professional (often as you know it’s either one or the other…you’ve been blessed with both!).
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for YOU doing such a marvelous job on my site. Every day, I get positive feedback about it.